Win admiration in five simple steps

Win the admiration of your child classmate mothers in five simple steps:

1.  Make an appointment in the weekend with your child classmate. Better with more than one child (in ordered to maximize the admiration factor).

2.  Make sure that it’s going to be the cloudiest, stormy, rainy day of the week, and you are at stuck at home with a few six years old girls and a baby.

3.  After pulling hairs, sit and read all mails you never look at on regular days.

4. Find the  golden newsletter, you normally don’t look at: cooking workshop for children with super title: “Yakki vegetables: carrot” (Getverderrie Groente: de Wortel)  taking place in a children book shop (!) in your neighborhood.

5. After all been finished, sit at home and enjoy the admiration of the (lovely) mothers…;-)

and this three little mouses Romi made for dinner …:-)


8 responses to “Win admiration in five simple steps”

  1. ingrid Avatar

    What a great idea of you,Hagar! Better than give your daugther a sewing machine 🙂
    Love the see the girls busy 🙂

  2. Jess Avatar

    Well done Hagar, these rainy days with children can be really hard!

  3. Hagarvar Avatar

    Dear Ingrid,…thank you..whatever make them happy.. (and me….;-)

    Dear Jess…Yeee, If only the summer will arrive soooonnnn..

  4. misha lulu Avatar

    Wow very cool!

  5. Patrice A. Avatar

    it all looks SO fine!

    nowadays on rainy, stormy days, my boys
    (almost 11 and 13)
    long for the computer….

  6. Hagarvar Avatar

    Dear Mishlulu….thanks!…:-)

    Dear Patrice…very familiar..Some days I see a nice little dance between the computer and the iPod…;-)

  7. Paulien Avatar

    You have my admiration too!
    When I’ve survived a day with more than four kids including baby’s -which happens quite often I must say- I always think I’m worthy of the tiltle supermom 😉 and these days compensate for all the days when I think: Oh my sweet lord, can someone please come and collect these children and take them to a nice bookshop so I can just sit and read a little, just for 5 minutes..

  8. Hagarvar Avatar

    Dear Paulien…thanks…:-) Exactly!!!! And especially at the end of the day when they all tired…than I’m shifting myself to a parallel quiet universe of my own…;-)

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