My textile workshop

I’m very excited to have a workshop inspired by my art-work at  Atelier Oosterbosch.

The idea and initiation was all in the hands of the amazing Anita Oosterbosch.

We are going to make a collage and then translate it to a beautiful textile-art-work.

looking forward…:-)

Two last things:

Check this great the art cake art site runs by very lovely Christi!

and this amazing summer days here make me so damn happy…  🙂


Some pictures I’ve took at the last workshop



9 responses to “My textile workshop”

  1. Patrice A. Avatar


    the 1th of June is the day of the musical
    otherwise I would have joined, for sure!!
    how I would have loved to do this
    learning from you….
    please let me know the next time

    have fun!
    Patrice A.

  2. paulien Avatar

    Oh Hagar, how nice, I wish that that I could come, maybe next time!!

  3. annelie Avatar

    what a great workshop! i really would love to come because i like your artwork very much but i think amsterdam is some kilometers too far from me 🙂

  4. Sharon Lie-A-Ling Avatar
    Sharon Lie-A-Ling

    Nice pictures. 😉

  5. Julia Avatar

    oh how how how i would love to be there!!! hugs, julia

  6. woolf Avatar

    hi hagar!
    lovely poster for your june, 1st intriguing activity.
    so sorry i live far out! (although will be in holland the next day, but that’s a different story). i’m wishing you a glorious workshop.
    i’ve also just been to the site you suggested. pretty stunning. cheers for the link.

  7. Ariane Avatar

    Oh, would be great to be there!
    Dear Hagar,
    that looks very beautful and its a great idea! I’m very nosy, please tell us and show, of course…

    I think you run out of time, but
    may I please invite you for the next drawing challenge? I’ll be the host with SHADOW this weekend.
    Maybe later?


  8. renilde Avatar

    oh this will be gooood, those snacks look good too, enjoy dear Hagar! x

  9. mano Avatar

    dear hagar, thank you so much – it’s truly a honor to receive this award from you! !
    may I invite you to the next drawing challenge? I’m the host and my theme is LETTERS! please count in! herzlichst, mano

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