Monster- the new drawing challenge

When I first saw the challenge subject of this week, I thought that’s a good one…

Then I realized there are enough monsters in our world, but not enough fighters against them.

So, here is my super-monster-warrior.


black thread on paper.

This drawing challenge this week was hosted by the very talented  Julia


12 responses to “Monster- the new drawing challenge”

  1. Julia da Franca - Marunde Avatar

    what a great idea dear hagar!! i love your monsterfighter!
    please come back to me, i just posted the list and some of my monsters… xxx, julia

  2. Patrice A. Avatar

    just grand
    I love your fighter
    and your stitching on paper
    great work Hagar!

  3. tatjana Avatar

    good to know that super-monster-warriors around us.
    love your work!

    have a nice weekend!


  4. Hagarvar Avatar

    Dear Julia… thanks for your kind words and for the list…:-)

    Dear Patrice…Dank je wel…;-)

    Dear Tatjana…Thank you! I also think we more like her among us…:-)

  5. marchi Avatar

    I love this hagar. and your thinking makes me happy.

  6. Ingrid Avatar

    Haha,great…love it! Keep up the good workm 😉

  7. Hagarvar Avatar

    Dear Marchi…Thank you…your words made me happy…:-)

    Dear Ingrid, thank you!

  8. woolf Avatar

    do i take it the suburban town would be the monster to be fought? ;)))
    i smile, for i’m reminded of the prince fourré cookie in your heroine. do you know prince fourré? if not, do google him, although a vintage wrapper ‘d be more appropriate…
    your heroin and prince fourré could hit it off and go saving us from the monsters togethwer…
    happy weekend, dear hagar!!!

  9. renilde Avatar

    ha, at last, someone dared to fight the monster and even not in faraway, mysterious places but in the neighbourhood. original and beautiful, x

  10. Hagarvar Avatar

    Dear woolf…. good one, the cookie prince and the my warrior…but I choose the background for a reason: the biggest danger sometimes is hidden there, in the quit, normal appearance of suburban life.

    Dear Renilde….thank you! It’s important to fight them everywhere…;-)

  11. Kristen Avatar

    Great perspective on the monster theme and I agree- plus who doesn’t like a monster fighter in a cape 😉

  12. paulien Avatar

    Nicely done Hagar! Wish I had a cape like that and those legs – then I can fight any monster ;).

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