Category: press

  • “Little Treasures: Made by Hand”

    “Little Treasures: Made by Hand”

    I am so thrilled to be in Pia Jane Bijkerk’s new book: “Little Treasures: Made by Hand” Her book is a self publishing adventure: Pia has written and photographed everything herself. She wrote a lovely story about my me, it made me smile and missing her being in Amsterdam even more… I gave Pia my…

  • My new book is published!

    My new book is published!

    A few months ago I received a very exciting mail send by the lovely Séverine Gallardo from Edition Marguerite Waknine, a french publishing house specialized in contemporary art. They were interested in publishing a book about my art work. I can’t say enough how happy and honored I feel. It was a very interesting process…

  • Uppercase Magazine & Majuscule

    Uppercase Magazine & Majuscule

    Its arrived! the new “Uppercase” magazine (issue #16). My work is there and so many beautiful art works, articles and interview. Such a high quality magazine! I full of appreciation to Janine Vangool the founder (and publisher, editor and designer…)  Thank you! And another super talented Brad Walker from “Majuscule” (issue # 18). Brad has…